of Masks[1]
They have never been together
alone at a café before. Of course they have met at conferences or parties and
exchanged brief talks occasionally. Writers are solitary as a matter of fact,
or at least, they are not interested in so-called writers’ community. Yukio
Mishima, in his forties, sits in a café with his second cup of coffee. He
usually doesn’t like to drink coffee outside. He prefers to invite writers or
interviewers to his house which he has just built last summer. He loves to hold
big parties occasionally with other writers, publishers, or actresses. Today,
he is wearing a tight, low-cut, v-shaped polo shirt to show off his masculine
to Mishima is Yasunari Kawabata. He is sixty-nine years old, looking thin and a
bit weary in his charcoal gray kimono as usual. His big eyes follow a waitress
in a gray skirt and a white apron. She must be a student of Tokyo University of
Arts: the campus is five minutes’ walk from this café. She reminds him of a
girl who served him dinner at the reception after the Nobel Prize awarding
ceremony. Both she and this waitress have slightly rounded faces and
full-fleshed lips.
says Haruki Murakami as he arrives at the café a little bit late. He has just
had an interview about his new novel.
Although he has kept Mishima and Kawabara waiting, two literary
magnates, he is calm and looks very casual. He sits in front of Kawabata by the
window. The sunshine falls on his conservative wrist watch. It’s five minutes to 1 p.m., a warm, early summer day in
May. Compared to Mishima and Kawabata, Murakami is natty in his dark T-shirt
(with no weird Japanese-English on it, of course,) and a black cotton jacket
with pale sandy colored cotton pants. He is in his mid-thirties. Mishima knows
Murakami jogs
daily, but he does not look sturdy—Mishima finds it as an advantage.
on your Nobel Prize, Kawabata-san,” Murakami says.
thank you. I also received your card the other day. I am sorry I haven’t been
able to write you back.” Kawabara sips coffee and sits back.
the waitress comes over, Kawabata glances at her lips again. She is taking
Murakami’s order. He orders coffee and sugar toast. Mishima and Kawabata are
having only coffee.
you care for more coffee, sandwiches or anything, sir?” the waitress asks
Mishima and Kawabata.
would be great,” both tell her.
you published a new novel, right?” Kawabata says to Murakami.
just a week ago. I am also publishing it in the States in two weeks, so I
actually am leaving for New York tonight.”
sips water and says, “Where are you staying in New York? I always stay at Four
draws himself up and says, “Oh, I’m staying
at my friend’s flat. He has been a great friend for a long time since we were
in Kyoto. I stay at his place whenever I go to New York. The hotels are boring
and usually too overprotecting. They treat me as a famous writer. I am
getting tired of it.”
You are a famous writer now and it is a silly thing to be shy like that.
Japanese people tend to be shy, you know. Most of us can’t have dinner alone at
these high-class hotels' restaurants. I have no problem, though. Ha ha ha.”
Mishima roars with laughter.
smiles. “Well, that may be true, but I am as comfortable to be with my friend
and have drinks at his place or a bar.”
waitress comes back with coffee and a sugar toast for Murakami. It is toasted
golden and glossy with melted sugar all over. “Enjoy,” the waitress says to
Murakami, and refills coffee for Mishima and Kawabata. Kawabata brings a cup to
hold in front of her, slightly blushing.
what’s up? Are we going to talk about the literary festival or new magazine or what?”
Murakami asks with his mouth half full with the sugar toast, licking his sticky
finger. Kawabata coughs and replies, “Well, the thing is a bit odd, but we are
here to ask you something…um, delicate.”
what’s that?” Murakami sips coffee and has another bite of the crispy toast.
Mishima and Kawabata look at each other with faint smiles.
as I have been reading your novels and a few essays, I’ve noticed that you are
sexually very active,” Kawabata says.
coughs as he sips coffee. His coffee goes down the wrong way. Kawabata
maybe active is not the right word, sorry, but what I mean is that it
seems like you are very attractive man who is more experienced.”
you talking about having sex with girls? …Me? Well, but Kawabata-san, I am not in
my stories. They are just my characters, as you know.”
+To be continued+
Inspired from. Confessions of a mask by Mishima, Y., & Weatherby, M.
川端の大きな目は、さっきからずっと、グレーのスカートに、真白いエプロンをしたウェイトレスの姿を追っていた。 東京芸大の学生であろう。キャンパスは、この喫茶店から歩いて5分の距離にある。
「いいね、頼むよ」 と、ふたりは声をそろえて答えた。

Confessions of Masks by Ayako Matsushita is licensed under a Creative Commons 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 3.0 非移植 License.
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